Save Time and Embarrassment with a Professional Proofreader

Have you ever sent your writing to be published only to see a typo, misspelled word, or grammar error after it is too late?

Not only is it embarrassing, but you can lose precious readers as they trip over that completely avoidable mistake.

It is also painstakingly time-consuming to proofread your material, but can you afford NOT to? Your audience is bombarded with so much noise these days; you must do everything you’re able to stand out from the crowd!

I can help you; it’s this simple:

  1. Call, text or email me for a FREE quote. I will make a plan tailored to your needs.
  2. Send me your writing. I proofread books, blogs, web content, anything you would like to be polished and professional.
  3. Get your work back promptly–proofread and ready to publish.

Your audience will love your message and see you as the talented writer or knowledgable authority that you are!

When you present yourself through a polished piece of work, you will be giving your audience your very best. And not only that, but you will have saved time and the energy needed for that next, great piece. Whether you are writing your next novel or your next newsletter, you can leave the proofreading to me and get on with creating!

Professional Proofreading by The Sage Proofreader is not only time saving but affordable. For longer pieces that have already been edited, I offer a discount. In addition, you can expect a quick turnaround; for shorter pieces, it can be as little as 48 hours. I also guarantee your privacy and have a non-disclosure policy. I am experienced and certified, and my passion is to help you stand out from the crowd. (If you need copyediting, I’m now able to offer a quote for that as well.).

As a blogger myself, I get it. You finished your piece and thought you read and re-read it enough times that you couldn’t possibly have missed any errors. Then, as soon as it’s too late, you see a typo, misspelled word, or grammar mistake. Or worse, a reader points one out to you! It’s embarrassing, and now you have to take the time to fix it, if possible. Even a manuscript or newsletter that has been through editing can have mistakes; in fact, oftentimes they are introduced during the editing process.

There is a lot of noise out there, and it is important that who you are and what you have is made available to those who want and need it. Rise above the crowd, and allow me to help you reach your audience with your best work!


Five Proofreading Tips For Any Writer

I wonder why I didn’t click on this email???

As writers of any stripe, we have precious few moments to capture our audience with our message. Even those of us who have and appreciate a faithful following need to realize that their time is being taxed and interupted by so many words and images. Although not all emails are as blatantly scammy and uninteresting as the one I saw in my box a couple weeks ago, errors like this will cause for pause, and we may not get another chance with our message.

Utmost care must be given to that final draft and not just to the message, but to the typos and spelling and misused words that could be lurking within. Here are a few tricks to proofreading and catching these last-minute fixes.

  • Set it aside for a while. If you have the luxury of time, you can set it aside for a couple of days. Even a couple of hours, while you do something totally different, is better than nothing. Go for a walk. Call a friend. Play with your dog. When you return to your piece, you may see the misused or misspelled word, the missing comma, or the misplaced hyphen. Do not try to look for these in the creative stages of your writing. It’s much more important that your message is well developed and written with intent. (As a proofreader, I’m looking in the mirror as I say this!)
  • Read it backward. It sounds silly, I know, but it can work! Start at the end and read each sentence. This works by breaking up the thoughts. When you are reading your own work, the mind can insert meaning and ignore mistakes even when the eyes don’t see it.
  • Read it slowly and out loud. If possible, read your work out loud. You will incorporate two senses by doing this, making It possible to hear an error that you may not see. Also, read each word slowly to find missing, misspelled, or double occurrences.
  • Use a spell check/grammar program. What! Yes, use the program, but do not allow it to create a false sense of security. You will be able to find the most obvious errors easily and quickly. You still have to proofread for the not-so-obvious, but it will be the time-saver you need. If the writer of the subject line above had used a spell check, it would have certainly caught this egregious error.

If you are passionate about your writing, whether it is a fictional tale or a treatise, you want to capture your audience’s attention and communicate your passion with clarity and a professional polish. There is nothing more embarrassing than to hit “send” only to find a truly avoidable error moments–and it CAN be moments–later. And from my experience, the more passionate you are, the more likely you are to miss those small errors. Also, the more creative you are, the harder it is to pause and take the time to look for them. Your mind is racing on to the next great thought that you want to flesh out into your next great work. That is where tip five comes in.

  • Hire a professional proofreader. Hiring a professional will save time, which is money for a writer, and will avoid the awkwardness of finding errors after publishing. A proofreader will not be passionate about your message–but WILL be passionate about being on your team, helping you give your audience your very best. A proofreader knows that your message must be clear and sans errors that could lose the audience or look unprofessional.

If your followers are a forgiving bunch, it’s even more important to give them your best! Chances are many of them have been with you since the beginning. Maybe they were there when you weren’t as good at what you do, but they believed in you. They resonate with your message and can’t wait to hear from you again. There’s nothing more rewarding than for someone to love you and love what you have created. Those fans are worth the extra effort. Let’s work together to give them what they deserve!