What Does Your Audience Deserve?

Photo by Helena Lopes

You work hard on your communication with your audience. Every thought, every piece of advice, every character, every plot, and literally every word is penned with your reader in mind. Then you edit and refine. The final step? Proofreading. And as much as I would like to tell you that you can do this step yourself, it is rarely possible to proofread your own work. That is because you have worked on your piece hard enough and long enough that you won’t see that misspelled word or the missing punctuation or the incorrectly auto-corrected word. We’ve all been there, and as a blogger, I know this painfully well even though I pride myself on catching mistakes. My own work is the hardest to proofread.

Why is proofreading so important? You have put time and energy into standing out from the crowd. You want your readers to engage and immerse themselves in your words. You want them to agree and act. You do not want them to trip over typos or other errors that are completely avoidable.

That’s where I come in. I love reading and finding errors. I want to help you stand out from all the other authors and writers out there vying for the attention of your audience. When you put your best into your writing, I want to come alongside and bring it to the next level.

Let’s work together to give your audience what they deserve!